Every Kid Outdoors - Get your 4th grader their pass

Do you have a new 4th grader (or homeschool equivalent) for the 2021-2022 school year? Great!

Then you need to make sure you're taking advantage of the Every Kid Outdoors program. I am on a mission to get out the news that every American 4th grader and their families can enter into any of the over 400 national park sites for free for one full year, starting tomorrow! And not just national parks, but access to BLM, NOAA, UFWS, COE, and USFS! There are countless places in every setting, including urban areas, to visit with these passes.

All three of our boys got their passes in 4th grade and we did more exploring in those years than you could ever imagine. They were empowered to explore and learn because they were excited to have something special for 4th graders. We went to Rocky Mountain, Great Sand Dunes, Glacier, Grand Teton, and Yellowstone National Parks during their pass years.

Every Kid Outdoors is a wonderful program designed to get kids and their families out into nearly every area of federal land and water. Seriously any place you could think of! It is supported through the US Department of the Interior and will be good all through the summer. 

Why 4th grade? The theory is that this age (9-11 years old) is perfect for exploration and a sense that this land belongs to them as well. And it is so true!

The best part?  It is SOOOO easy to get one!  Grab your kiddo and help them get their own pass here. And with all the info the website has, I encourage you to reach out to your teachers and fellow parents to share it with their own students.

Tip: If your kiddo hasn’t started school yet, that doesn’t matter! In fact, it’s great! I’m giving you this heads up now, so you can start exploring tomorrow!

Find out everything you need to know at https://everykidoutdoors.gov/about.htm


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